Another Submission

So, after licking my wounds for a few days (barely, but sort of) I’ve sent another piece of flash fiction off to the editors of the literary journal I dream of having a piece published in. I’m sticking to my plan. If this one gets rejected, I’ll send them another. If this gets accepted, likewise, […]

Another Rejection

I got another rejection in the mail today. I know, it’s part of the business. I know, rejections mean I’m putting myself and my work out there. I know, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take–Thanks, Eva Shaw for putting that Wayne Gretzky quote into my head. And, I’m not upset or even […]

Traditional Publishing

During today’s session of The Writer Workshop an attendee working on her second book asked about traditional publishing. She’d been offered a contract from a publisher and wondered what it meant to be an “indie” publisher. Well, isn’t that a ball of worms. There doesn’t seem to be a standard definition of what it means […]